Whats the Trick to Keeping Weight Off?
Enjoying the holiday season with those we care about is important. Enjoying all the wonderful food and beverages is mandatory! The Holiday season is not a good time to go on a diet … but … January 1st is! A new year, new goals, new determination! There are few tricks to losing weight BUT there are key natural ingredients that can help you target fat as opposed to muscle.
So how hard do we have to work to shed some serious pounds? There are smarter and simpler ways to keeping the pounds off. If you would like to read up on “The 7 Big Secrets to Losing Weight”click my e-book for details.
The problem with most weight loss diets is one ends up losing both muscle cells and fat cells. The muscle cells are the cells that burn off excess fat. If we lose muscle cells, then we are losing our ability to burn off more fat, hence the yo-yo effect.
If every year you are faced with the same scenario where you are feeling frumpy and frustrated, wanting to lose the weight and keep it off, then consider a new approach. Consider using Leucine to help maintain your muscles and target your fat cells.
Leucine is an essential amino acid that signals your muscles to stimulate protein synthesis. It helps your body preserve muscle mass while you lose weight. Keeping muscle helps keep your metabolism strong so you’re less likely to regain the weight you lose.
Lets consider a lifestyle approach that is simple to follow, effective and will provide long lasting results with weight loss, as well as, feeling healthier and more energetic.
In November, I set out to lose a few pounds before the Christmas goodies arrived. In two and a half weeks, I lost 6 lbs and was able to enjoy the holiday festive season feeling a little thinner and comfortable. I am now going to lose the balance of my goal of 12 to 15 pounds. I am looking forward to a leaner physique including the loss of “back fat” that seems to have crept on over the years. My plan is simple, using the Shaklee Turnaround Kit, I can take my Metobolic Boost which contains Leucine prior to each meal, I replace one meal with a protein shake or protein drink, and have a regular healthy meal with my family for dinner. I also have a job that provides a healthy dose of physical activity, but if you have a desk job, a good power walk to start would fit in nicely. I don’t even have to guarantee results, because Shaklee does! If you are not completely satisfied you can request your money back.
I can not emphasise enough, the ease at which one can get started! However, this is not a program were one loses excessive amounts of weight only to gain it back a few months later. This is a program to gradually lose weight and keep it off, all while one starts to feel healthier, more energetic and fit.
We have to accept that we do have to change some bad habits and physical exercise is important in gaining a balanced healthy life style. We do not have to accept the yo-yo diet plans nor the excessive work and effort that some plans to lose weight require.
If you are serious about living a more healthy lifestyle and want to shed some pounds for good, then consider the 180 plan, and, as I always say, Keep Moving Forward!
Send me an e-mail if you have any questions or concerns, I would be happy to help you get started on your path to a healthier life style and a better weight! Take control of your health …. because …. you matter! I can also show you how you can get paid to lose weight if you are interested, but first things first, lets get healthy!
email me at heather@takingcontrol123.com
Supporting those wanting a better lifestyle of health and wellness!
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